The ability to view and save quotes from suppliers allows you to easily reference and order products in the future. Below is a step-by-step process from accepting a supplier’s quote to order placement
Once you receive a quote from a supplier, you can view the details of their quote. This includes product specifications, pricing, and availability. Carefully review the details to ensure they meet your project’s requirements.
If a supplier’s quote meets your project’s needs and you’d like to further consider this quote’s specifics, click “Save this quote” to more easily refer back to it or ultimately place an order. You can save multiple quotes, whether from the same or different suppliers.
Once the quote is saved, a “Save as new item” button will appear. This will open a form for you to fill in some details like item name, SKU, and optionally attach any files along with the specifications the supplier provided. Saving an item allows you to keep track of the entire history of the product. On an item’s detail page, you can access links to the original quote, order history, any internal notes, and inventory.
Click “add to order” to move forward with order placement, referring to these directions, beginning with step 3.