When using a credit card to pay suppliers the following convenience fees apply. To avoid fees, add a bank account to Lumi. Note that convenience fees only apply to invoices from suppliers, your Lumi subscription has no credit card fee.
Payment method | |
Credit card (domestic) | 2.9% + $0.30 |
Credit card (international) | 3.9% + $0.30 |
Credit card (international with currency conversion to USD) | 4.9% + $0.30 |
ACH bank transfer | Free |
There are two secure options for connecting your bank account to Lumi:
Once your bank account is verified, you will have the option to pay invoices via ACH (bank-to-bank) transfer. Your bank account information is not stored on Lumi servers, it is securely encrypted and stored by our payment provider Stripe.
Tip: We suggest adding a bank account before you place an order. If your bank requires manual verification, that process can take over a week.