
Updates tagged with "Artwork"

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This release includes big improvements to the quoting workflow for brands and suppliers on the new Lumi Platform. We've also added new capabilities for managing and tracking orders.

Improvements for brands

  • Added instant suggestions that help you improve the response rate on quote requests
  • Added a summary of specs to items on quote requests
  • Added a separate area for uploading production-ready documents to items
  • Simplified the interface for tracking order updates, focused on estimated completion and delivery dates
  • You can now view and download shipment documents including packing lists, BOLs, and proofs of delivery
  • Added estimated and actual delivery date tracking to shipments
  • Improved error warnings in various parts of the application
Quote request enhancements

Improvements for suppliers

  • Added quote request filters for annual volume, request date, and expiration date
  • You can now submit quotes for expired requests if you began a draft before the request expired
  • You can now log estimated completion dates and estimated delivery dates on orders
  • New shipment creation workflow, including uploading packing lists, BOLs, proof of delivery, and adding estimated delivery dates
  • Billing for actual shipping costs when a shipment is closed
Marketplace enhancements

Lumi Experts: find packaging designers easily

We’re excited to introduce you to our first Lumi Experts. Lumi Experts is a partnership program for packaging experts (agencies and individuals) that also know their way around the Lumi Platform. Brands can work with experts in-platform for a more streamlined packaging supply chain from end-to-end.

Some of our launch partners include agencies such as Ferroconcrete, Doris Dev, Fuzzco, Atlason, Guacamole Airplane, The Office of Ordinary Things and Ludlow Kingsley who are behind some of the most innovative and sustainable packaging in the world.

lumi experts directory

Lumi members can work with Lumi Experts on any of the following types of projects:

  • Packaging engineering
  • Sustainability consulting
  • Branding and graphic design
  • Industrial design
  • Supply chain and logistics

To start working with a Lumi Expert:

  1. Browse the Experts directory, filtering by capabilities and/or sustainability strengths.
  2. Pick an Expert based on their work
  3. Contact them through their Lumi Expert page

Proof Management

The proof approval workflow can now be managed entirely in your Lumi Dashboard. Here are some of the new features we launched today:

  • Monitor proof statuses
  • Approve or reject proofs
  • Track who approved proofs and when
  • View rejected proofs
  • Improvements to the proof page


We're also excited to launch Publications! Multi-page printing and binding capabilities help you create magazines, catalogs, booklets, and newspapers to bring your content offline.

We've found a lot of inspiration from Lumi users designing publications to provide product information, share new products, or just engage folks in their community.

Options span the gamut from full color digital printing, or with lithography for more accurate Pantone color-matching. From newsprint to glossy cover stock, the paper options are nearly endless.