
Supplier collaboration made simple.

Lumi is the all-in-one platform that helps you find and collaborate with suppliers.

How it works

Send your request to all relevant suppliers in one click.
Quote request
Compare quotes and choose the best supplier for each item.
Quotes received
Track your orders and supplier communications in one place.
Place order

Make an informed decision about every supplier you use.

Multi-supplier request

Multi-supplier requests

Instantly submit a single quote request to all the suppliers that match your needs.

Supplier scorecards

Supplier scorecards

Explore rich data about each supplier’s performance, certifications, and capabilities.

Supplier messaging

Supplier messaging

Communicate directly with suppliers about specific quotes and order items in Lumi.

Factory-direct pricing

Factory-direct pricing

Get complete transparency into the cost of your packaging, directly from the manufacturer.

Spec management

Spec management

Store packaging data in intricate detail using Lumi’s powerful data format.

Supplier directory

Comprehensive directory

New suppliers are added every week, discoverable with powerful search and filtering tools.


A standardized process for all your approvals.

Ensure that every detail of your project is accurate before you enter production. Lumi standardizes the workflow for your suppliers to help you avoid errors before they occur.

Ready to upgrade your supply chain? Get started with Lumi.

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