Digital Printing

Ideal for low volumes and frequently changing designs because it doesn't require print plates. Use digital for full-color or photographic printing on various materials like corrugated, paper, and plastic films.

What is digital printing?

Since unit costs don’t significantly decrease with higher quantities, digital printing is most often used for short runs. Digital printing can also be used at higher volumes, you just don’t get the same economies of scale as other processes, such as flexography or lithography.

The benefit of plateless printing is that you have the option of variable prints, no-cost artwork changes, and full color or photorealistic printing.

Why choose it?

  • Digital printing is plateless, so there is no printing setup cost

  • Print full color (CMYK) without added cost.

  • Variable print (e.g. unique barcodes, personalization)

  • No new tooling required for artwork changes (e.g. seasonal designs)

  • Lower quantities than available with other print processes, as low as 1.

  • Full color, photorealistic prints

Why not choose it?

  • Less significant cost savings with higher quantities.

  • Cannot be perfectly color-matched to Pantone colors

  • Dots can be visible in prints and the quality is typically not as good as lithography or rotogravure.

  • Full color and photorealistic prints are possible, but quality varies depending on the equipment and substrate.

Examples of items that use digital printing