
Updates tagged with "Fixes"

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Fixes and updates for all Lumi users

  • Smoother file uploads: We've made several updates to file uploads for easier viewing including the option of Chinese characters in file names and the capability to preview files before downloading.
  • Invoices will no longer have a "Payment Scheduled" status if they are set to be auto paid. They will be "Outstanding" or "Overdue" depending on their due date. Any scheduled payments can be viewed directly on the invoice.
  • Faster loading suppliers and locations: The list of your locations and suppliers will load much faster.

Fixes and updates for customers

  • Custom Lumi ID button color: When you customize colors on your Lumi ID settings, now the search button on the recycling details will also be updated with your selected color.
  • If an order is declined, you'll no longer see "Requires proof" on that order.
  • We corrected the item count and total value for orders on supplier details pages.

Fixes and updates for suppliers

  • When you click on a fulfillment, you can now click "Proof of Delivery" to see the uploaded document.

    Fixes and updates for all Lumi users

    • Invoices upon fulfillment: Now, suppliers have the option to trigger invoices upon fulfillment, which means that they may request payment before delivery.
    • More detailed invoices: When you download an invoice, you'll be able to view tooling, fees, taxes, and billing schedule on the PDF.
    • No more $0 invoices: Previously, you might have seen $0 invoices generated in circumstances like orders with 0% due up front. Now $0 invoices will no longer be generated.

      Videos on supplier pages

      In addition to photos of factories and work samples, now suppliers can add a video to their profile pages. Video is a great way to start building trust through transparency, right from the start. Suppliers can use video to add a factory tour or a reel of spotlight samples. Adding a profile video is simple. Just copy and paste a link of an existing video in the Photos and video section of the Profile Manager.

      Fixes and updates for customers

      • Use a bank account for your software subscription: Now, customers can pay for their Lumi subscription using a bank account instead of a credit card. To update your payment method go to Settings. Then under the Payment tab, click the Add Bank Account button.
      • Reorders don’t require new proofs: If you’re reordering an item from the same facility, there’s no need to upload a new proof as long as the quote is still valid. There are two ways to reorder an item: You can duplicate the item or duplicate the order.
      • Completed orders close automatically: To streamline the order flow, now orders will close automatically after the supplier has marked all items as fulfilled, and you or the supplier marks the order as delivered or picked up.
      • No more signatures on messages: When you reply to a message thread via email, you'll no longer see email signatures when you view that message thread in the platform.

      Fixes and updates for suppliers

      • Reorders don’t require new proofs: Reorders no longer require a new proof to be approved, as long as the order is placed with the same facility location as the initial order. When a customer reorders an item with a valid quote, you’ll receive the order with the initial proof already attached. When you click to accept the order, you’re agreeing to move forward with the production, and an invoice will automatically be sent to the customer.

      • Completed orders close automatically: Orders will close automatically after you mark all items on an order as fulfilled and the items are marked as delivered or picked up by you or the customer.

      • Editing quotes: Now, quotes can be edited if they're a Draft, Open, or Submitted. Expiration dates on quotes are also editable after they’ve been submitted or ordered.

      • Sort by manufacturing location in orders view: With the new “Manufacturing Location” column, you can easily sort your Orders view by facility. To sort by a column, click on the column header name.

      • No more signatures on messages: When you reply to a message thread via email, you'll no longer see email signatures when you view that message thread in the platform.

        Reply to messages via email

        Whether you're a buyer or supplier, now you can reply to messages directly from your email inbox 🎉

        When you receive an email notification about a message in Lumi, now you can reply directly to that email notification. Your reply will be sent to collaborators on that quote or order, and will also be visible in Lumi.

        Email responses work with attachments too! This makes it easier than ever to keep conversations moving while you're on the go, from your phone or any other device that you use for email.

        Each notification also includes a link back to the conversation in Lumi, so you can quickly access all the documents and history.

        As your team grows and changes, Lumi remains your source of truth across manufacturing projects. All messages — whether they're sent via email or in the platform — are available in Lumi, not siloed in inboxes.

        Small fixes and updates for customers

        • Retracting an order submission: After an order is submitted, but before it’s accepted or rejected, you can retract the submission by clicking Retract on the submitted order page. Retracting the order will move it back into a Draft status, making it editable. The order will not be reviewed until it is resubmitted.
        • Preventing zero quantity on split shipments: Placing big packaging orders can be stressful. To prevent oversight, you will receive an error if they enter “0” as a quantity for part of a split shipment.
        • Marking orders delivered: Now, buyers have the ability to mark orders as delivered, which will close out the order. Here's how to mark orders delivered.

        Small fixes and updates for suppliers

        • Documents are accessible in quotes: Now you can find item documents (dielines, proofs, and more) on the quote page in addition to the opportunities page for each item.
        • Packing document consolidation: Now, when you’re fulfilling an order, you only have to upload one document. We’ve consolidated BOL and Packing List into one field.
        • Accepting orders: For clarity, we’ve renamed the “Acknowledge" button on orders. Now to accept an order, click “Accept.”

        Multi-item quoting

        It's now possible to request quotes for multiple items at the same time!

        When you create a quote request, you can now add as many items as you want. A multi-item request is useful for quoting items that will be produced together, for products that come in multiple sizes, flavors, colors, etc. You can also use multi-item quotes for packaging that contains multiple sub-components like inner boxes and inserts.

        Suppliers will see a multi-item quote request if all the items included match their capabilities. As you add items you'll see how many suppliers can offer all of the items in one quote.

        Additionally, we've made it easier to compare quotes between different items and suppliers at a glance from the quote request page.

        Fixes and improvements for brands

        • Ability to request quotes for multiple items
        • New way to compare multiple quotes in a request
        • Select Styles when creating corrugated item specifications
        • Fixed bug causing incorrect message count on orders

        Fixes and improvements for suppliers

        • Proofs can be downloaded from the order page
        • All quote requests show a "Final destination" address
        • Quote requests can have multiple items
        • Fixed "Share quote link" action
        • Fixed bug causing incorrect message count on orders

        Quote digests and polish

        Today, we’re making it simpler to keep up with your quote requests. Until now, you needed to log in to get a snapshot of all your quotes, and you needed to set up reminders about accepted quotes expiring on your own. Now Lumi sends you a weekly digest of your open quote requests and even sends you a reminder seven days before an accepted quote expires.

        On top of these digests, we’ve also spent the last few weeks polishing the quote request flows across Lumi. As a result, you should see faster loading times, on-page design improvements, and supplier logos.

        Fixes and improvements for brands

        • Ability to cancel quote requests
        • Added quote count, accepted quote count, and suppliers count to quote request list
        • Fixed bug where new messages did not appear after being sent
        • Tooltips added to butcher paper, tissue paper, and crinkle paper spec templates
        • New items have a default thumbnail image
        • Email notification when a supplier declines to quote on a request

        Fixes and improvements for experts

        With the release of multi-account access last month, we've also made improvements for managing multiple clients:

        • Workspace-specific URLs allow users to work in separate accounts in different tabs
        • Workspace-specific URLs to ensure users belonging to multiple accounts are properly directed
        • Updated workspace picker UI on login

        Factory scorecards

        Meet the new factory scorecards on Lumi! Three key features are now available when you receive quotes:

        • Factory Highlights gives you personalized insights about the strengths of each factory
        • Best Match identifies the best fit for your needs
        • Performance Metrics provide insight into the factory's quality standards and on-time delivery

        Our goal with these new features wast to give you more insight into each factory, so you can make informed decisions when you source packaging on Lumi. Read more on our blog.

        Other improvements and fixes

        • Quotes can now be exported to CSV
        • Manufacturer feedback has been improved
        • Added Google Analytics support for Lumi ID so you can track visits to your QR code pages
        • Added billing contact settings so you can automatically forward invoices
        • Invalid payment methods no longer are available when making payments
        • Fixed a bug where production update emails displayed the wrong estimated delivery date
        • Fixed a bug that allowed messages in a Project to be repeatedly sent while loading
        • Fixed a scrolling issue with the Quotes list on touch screen devices

        Fixed "No such token" bug causing payment methods to occasionally become unlinked from accounts.

        A few improvements and fixes to Items in your Dashboard:

        • Proofs are now more prominently linked on Items.
        • Detailed specifications are displayed on Items if available.
        • Fixed the fallback behavior if an Item requires pricing.