Shipping Things

Unboxing Flamingo

· September 19, 2019

Flamingo is a body brand that’s helping you get rid of unwanted hair. Their packaging makes shaving and waxing feel, dare we say, glamorous?

Here are some of the things we love about Flamingo's foxy unboxing:

  • Bold graphic on the lid of the box. 
  • A reminder to recycle on the exterior of the corrugated box. 
  • A pop of purple on the inside of the corrugated box. 
  • The durability of the kit bag makes it possible to use over and over again. 
  • Instructive envelope for the wax strips with some spot UV printing for extra shine
  • A glossy emboss on the razor folding carton. 
  • Color matching across multiple materials. 

Innovative brands use Lumi to manage scalable and sustainable packaging.

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