
Summer of Focus

June 18, 2018

As we do every so often, we recently took stock of how people are using Lumi and decided to double down on what’s working best. Two big things leapt into focus:

  1. The Dashboard
  2. Scalable manufacturing processes such as flexography, lithography, and die cutting

Since we launched the Lumi Dashboard two years ago, we’ve been listening to your feedback and making steady improvements — adding item management, specs, proofs, order history, custom quoting, and billing features. It’s all recapped in a new page which we (shockingly) call Features. Over the coming months we’ll be working on the most frequently requested feature: adding more team collaboration to your Dashboard.


Of course, the Dashboard wouldn’t be what it is without your packaging in it. Over the past few months we’ve added lots of new things to the Product Catalog. As our network of factories continues to expand, we’ve focused on adding your most requested products, such as sticker labels, folding cartons, and a wide variety of customizations like board grades and custom inserts.

The commonality between these additions is that they rely on scalable manufacturing processes. We're talking about flexography, lithography, die cutting, i.e. processes designed for mass production. With tooling you reduce unit costs, achieve better color reproduction and get more consistent quality. For these highly customizable products, the Lumi Editor we launched three years ago started to show its limitations. A majority of you have already been using much more powerful vector editors such as Adobe Illustrator or Figma to produce your designs on our dielines.

Saying goodbye to a few products

This is where the bittersweet part of this announcement comes. As we double down on what's working best, we're saying goodbye to a few things that we've enjoyed making but increasingly fall outside of our strengths. 

The first is the Editor itself, which we look forward to replacing with more focused tools. The second is rubber stamps, embossers, and low volume stock packaging. If you are looking for an alternative supplier for stamps and embossers we recommend HP Rubber Stamp, Hitt Marking or Etsy. Stock packaging is offered by a wide variety of suppliers, many of which you can find locally to reduce freight costs and carbon emissions.

We try to discontinue products as infrequently as possible, but as I have said before, we will always strive to provide an exceptional level of service to all our customers, across all our products. Sometimes that means recalibrating to meet your evolving needs. With these changes we believe we can make much quicker progress on adding your most requested products and Dashboard features. Onwards!

Innovative brands use Lumi to manage scalable and sustainable packaging.

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