
Release Notes: Brand New Dashboard and More Product Colors

July 5, 2016

The New Dashboard

Since we launched the Dashboard in April, it has quickly become one of the most important features of Lumi. How did we live without it? It's hard to remember. 

With a few months of heavy use under our belts, it became obvious that the Dashboard needed to better accommodate users who manage more than a handful of builds (a build is what we call an item customized to your specifications). To that end, we've changed the layout to a split-pane view that helps you quickly see the details of a build while maintaining your position in the list. It is now much easier to manage your Dashboard even with dozens of builds. 

Here are all the new features:

  • List view(!)
  • Size information is visible in grid view
  • Quick access to archiving builds
  • More detailed display of a build's specifications
  • Quick archive button for builds
  • Order history of a build
  • Better mobile support

75 New Product Colors

Colored shipping supplies help you create a branded look without investing into fully custom supplies – or simply to complement your custom packaging. Since the launch of Essentials last month, we've been adding lots of new colors to our standard products:

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Innovative brands use Lumi to manage scalable and sustainable packaging.

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