Improved Delivery Schedule page with search and lead times across all products.

Estimated delivery dates are now also visible on each product in the Catalog, along with estimated delivery window in weeks.

Invoice PDFs are now attached to invoice notification emails so you can save it without having to log into your account.

A few big changes are coming to the Product Catalog and Dashboard. Learn more on the blog.

  • Discontinuing Rubber Stamps, Embossers and low-volume unprinted packaging.
  • Introduced Plans, with new services and products available for the Growth and Enterprise Plans.

Updated Product Catalog with better search and faster navigation. Improved product pages with recommended alternatives, videos, detailed specifications and better descriptions.

Consolidated billing is here! A host of new features that will make your accounting team happy. Learn more on the blog.

  • View and pay invoices in the new Billing section.
  • Export invoices as PDFs.
  • Added support for almost all bank accounts in the new Payment Methods page.

A few improvements and fixes to Items in your Dashboard:

  • Proofs are now more prominently linked on Items.
  • Detailed specifications are displayed on Items if available.
  • Fixed the fallback behavior if an Item requires pricing.