Fixes and updates for all Lumi users

  • Smoother file uploads: We've made several updates to file uploads for easier viewing including the option of Chinese characters in file names and the capability to preview files before downloading.
  • Invoices will no longer have a "Payment Scheduled" status if they are set to be auto paid. They will be "Outstanding" or "Overdue" depending on their due date. Any scheduled payments can be viewed directly on the invoice.
  • Faster loading suppliers and locations: The list of your locations and suppliers will load much faster.

Fixes and updates for customers

  • Custom Lumi ID button color: When you customize colors on your Lumi ID settings, now the search button on the recycling details will also be updated with your selected color.
  • If an order is declined, you'll no longer see "Requires proof" on that order.
  • We corrected the item count and total value for orders on supplier details pages.

Fixes and updates for suppliers

  • When you click on a fulfillment, you can now click "Proof of Delivery" to see the uploaded document.