Big day! We're so excited to share with you one of our biggest releases to date. 

Lumi Supplier Search

With Lumi Search finding the right suppliers and products is now easier than ever, and we've made it free for anyone to use!

  • Search thousands of suppliers in the United States, Mexico and Canada, with more countries coming soon
  • Filter suppliers by location, capabilities and certifications
  • Supplier profiles offer a detailed look at each factory's capabilities and related locations
  • Explore lists of suppliers curated by the Lumi team
  • Filter products by materials, sustainability properties and minimum order quantities
  • Dark mode! For all the night owls out there 🦉

If you're a paying member, you can also access these extra features:

  • Supplier scorecards with performance data from other Lumi members
  • Save suppliers to your supplier list
  • Kick off a multi-supplier quote request

Lumi Marketplace Beta

We're opening up the new version of Lumi to beta users — sign up here. If you are an existing customer and would like to join the beta, contact us. We'll be making these new features available to all users over the next few months.

  • Quote requests now allow you to either directly quote with one or more of your saved suppliers, or send your request to any relevant suppliers to quote — or both!
  • Message with suppliers on quotes and orders
  • Items have been revamped, with a new item and spec creation workflow
  • Supplier list helps you track your saved suppliers, and all your activity with them
  • New Dashboard home helps you see active orders and quotes at a glance

    Operating Manual

    To help you learn how to use these new features we've created the Operating Manual, searchable guides on how to use the Lumi Platform to source sustainable packaging and manage your supply chain. We'll be adding to it frequently, so let us know if you see anything missing!