Quote digests and polish

Today, we’re making it simpler to keep up with your quote requests. Until now, you needed to log in to get a snapshot of all your quotes, and you needed to set up reminders about accepted quotes expiring on your own. Now Lumi sends you a weekly digest of your open quote requests and even sends you a reminder seven days before an accepted quote expires.

On top of these digests, we’ve also spent the last few weeks polishing the quote request flows across Lumi. As a result, you should see faster loading times, on-page design improvements, and supplier logos.

Fixes and improvements for brands

  • Ability to cancel quote requests
  • Added quote count, accepted quote count, and suppliers count to quote request list
  • Fixed bug where new messages did not appear after being sent
  • Tooltips added to butcher paper, tissue paper, and crinkle paper spec templates
  • New items have a default thumbnail image
  • Email notification when a supplier declines to quote on a request

Fixes and improvements for experts

With the release of multi-account access last month, we've also made improvements for managing multiple clients:

  • Workspace-specific URLs allow users to work in separate accounts in different tabs
  • Workspace-specific URLs to ensure users belonging to multiple accounts are properly directed
  • Updated workspace picker UI on login